
A group of seniors who do social events, service projects and helpful information sessions. All adults are welcome. Upcoming events:• Just the Way You Are  Sidekick Theatre | Wed, Feb 12 @ 1pm, $51 register early • On the Road Again: Three Decades of Classic Country Music  Sidekick Theatre | Thurs, Mar 20 @ 1pm, $51 register early led by Ron & Barb Schulte, Dick & Pat Wulff, and Sharrie Flaigsee sign up center

trinity women

Women of all ages share their faith, serve others, celebrate, and support one another through a variety of events and gatherings such as dinner/speaker events, retreats, book clubs, workshops & more. If you’d like to plan an event of any kind please contact Cari Bullemer. new events will be posted here

Sunday Supper Group

A main dish will be provided, and there will be a sign-up for sides and desserts. We cherish our time in fellowship and conversation, especially with other members—this is our chance! Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a special gathering that celebrates community & the joy of sharing stories. Families welcome. The group gathers 2nd Sundays (Oct-May) 4:30-6:30pm in the Great Hall (dinner at 5pm) – up next February 23 (schedule change due to Super Bowl). contact Kassy Heinrich-Wydra & Rob Wydra

Prayer Shawl

Gather third Tuesdays at 1pm in the Fireside Room for fellowship, support and a little knitting or crocheting. Items are gifted to members and others in need. No experience with knitting or crocheting? No problem—we’ll teach you! contact Pat Wulffno sign up required


Fellowship and service meeting every other Monday 9am-noon in the Art Room. Tie quilts for those experiencing homelessness, chemical dependency, endangered women & their children, and others in need. led by Carol Ketchamno sign up requiredsee calendar for upcoming dates

Pop-Up Events

A variety of one-time events throughout the year such as visiting a museum, Norway House, Bingo, Trivia night and much more. New events will be posted here. 


Formerly MOPS, this is a ministry for moms to connect, grow in relationship with God, support one another in parenting joys and struggles, and build meaningful connections. Meets 1st and 3rd Thursdays (September-April) 9:30-11:30am in the Youth Room. Childcare provided. facilitated by Julie Vagletext MOM or click here

Middle School Parent Connection

Parents gather 2nd & 4th Wednesdays during confirmation in the Fireside Room for informal conversation relative to being a parent of a MS youth. group leader Addy Hallencome when you can!

Empty Nesters

If you’re an empty nester or just looking for a social setting opportunity to get to know others, please sign up. The group kicked off in a big way with a gathering of around 30 people, married and single. We are looking forward to gathering socially about 4 times during the year and, as time goes on, adding a mission focus. Next gathering: fun & casual meet-upSaturday, February 22 @ 5:30pmIron Exchange in Maple Plainplease let Andrea know if you can make it (for table reservations) contact group leader Andrea Henneman

Dorcas Circle

A womens group meeting first Thursdays 9:30-11am (October 3-May) in the Conference Room. Time includes devotion, Bible study using the Gather magazine, socializing, and supporting women in need. Dorcas is one of the first followers of Jesus and she was devoted to good works and charity. Donations from handmade cards (available at Sign Up Center) support women in need. led by Marlys Jenson and Joan Ziemerno sign up required