Worship + Music

sundays 9am

wednesdays 6pm

sundays 9am

wednesdays 6pm


Worship is foundational for Trinity and all Christians. Families gather together by God to remember who we are and whose we are. With God as the true host of this event, we experience God’s presence and leading through Word and sacrament, as we then respond with music, prayer and offering ourselves in service to God.

Come as you are to worship each week or watch online anytime.

Sundays at 9am
A Liturgical worship with a variety of musical styles, instrumentation, and music ensembles. This service is Live-Streamed! We also offer Trinity Kids Sunday school; children are dismissed for programming after Just for Kids time during worship.

Wednesdays at 6pm (now through may 7, 2025), Wednesdays during Lent 6:30pm (mar 5 to apr 9, 2025)
A more contemporary 30-minute worship opportunity with Wednesday Worship BandThis service is also Live-Streamed!

Dinner for all precedes Wednesday worship at 5pm in the Fellowship Hall. MS Confirmation follows worship at 6:30pm. HS Youth meet at 7:30pm. Please check the calendar or weekly emails for the few Wednesdays without dinner/worship/youth events based on nearby Orono schools calendar.


The nursery welcomes children up to age 3 at all Sunday worship services, some Wednesday evenings during Lent and some special events. Our nursery is staffed by loving paid staff who strive to provide a healthy, safe environment for children. 

With gratitude in your hearts, sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs to God.

colossians 3:16b

music ensembles

Trinity has a long tradition of strong and engaged music ensembles that encourage all ages to join in creating music for worship and celebration. All the music ensembles are open to everyone, no auditions or requirements. If you cannot make it every week, we can work around that as well. Please contact Mark Hemingway if you have questions or interest in any of these opportunities; people can join at anytime. 

vocal choirs


youth choir
This ensemble is open to students K-5, meets Wednesdays 4-5pm, sings in worship one Sunday each month. The singers will explore their voices, ensemble singing, musical elements, small group activities, and the joy of music. Bus transportation is available from the Orono Schools. Register through the Trinity Kids Registration. 

middle school choir
We have taken a couple years off, but back to singing this Fall! This choral group is open to all students 6-8th grade, meets Wednesdays 5:30-6pm, and will assist with Wednesday Night Worship on occasion and Sunday Morning worship as available. 

trinity choir
Our adult choral ensemble rehearses Wednesdays 6:45-7:30pm, and sings in Sunday worship 2-3 Sundays each month. We explore a wide variety of music from classic to contemporary! You don’t have to be a soloist or read music to sing with this ensemble, we invite all to join in singing God’s praise, and spend time with some really great people. This is the primary ensemble for our annual Worship Concert on November 26; a wonderful opportunity to sing with a 25-piece orchestra and professional soloists.


Trinity is always looking for Instrumentalists to add to our worship music. Pianists, Guitarist, Flute, Trumpets, Strings, etc. There are always opportunities for special solo or ensemble music, and adding to accompany one our other ensembles. We also have the Trinity Orchestra for more advanced players, or the Christmas Thunder Band in December.

hand bells


chancel bells
This is our advance adult bell choir which rehearses Mondays 7-8:30pm and usually plays the second Sunday of each month, and Christmas Eve. Many from this group have been ringing more than 20 years, and ring with several ensembles. We play more advanced bell music, and prior ringing experience or music reading skills will help you enjoy this ensemble. 

trinity bells
This ensemble is created for adults who have no bell ringing experience, but are looking for an ensemble to expand the musical skills and meet new people. We are a teaching choir. Bell ringing is a tremendous brain training activity to use new parts of our minds. We will rehearse Mondays 1-2pm.

wednesday worship band


Ben Richter, The Wednesday Guy, will once again lead the Wednesday Worship in a more contemporary shorter worship service each week. Ben is always looking for more singers and instrumentalists to join the Wednesday Worship. Contact Ben if interested.

Please contact Mark Hemingway if you have questions or interest in any of these opportunities; people can join at anytime.