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Attend our New Member Welcome Brunch | October 6, 2024, following 9am Sunday Worship
A celebration brunch with Pastors Adam and Ann.
New Member Orientations occur 2-3 times per year for individuals and families interested in joining Trinity. This is an opportunity to meet the pastors, share your story, and learn about our Trinity community. As a member of Trinity, you will have a voice and vote on important congregation decisions to help guide the church vision and ministry. All new members will be welcomed during worship the following week; upcoming New Member Recognition to be held on a Sunday this fall (TBD).
What We Believe
We are church.
We are Lutheran.
We are church together.
We are church for the sake of the world.
We are an ELCA congregation.
Trinity’s mission as a caring and loving community of believers in Christ is to
welcome all to
worship joyfully,
grow in faith and
serve near and far
in Jesus’ name.
This means we are in motion as we gather, grow and go!
Our vision is to be a thriving community engaging all in their baptismal vocations. This means that a church truly thrives when it equips members for their callings. All who are baptized have roles to play at Trinity and in the world!
Our core values are:
These values keep us focused on God and taking God’s love to our neighbor!
"History is a story by the finger of God"
C.S. Lewis
Our Church’s formation began during a meeting in a Long Lake living room in 1932 with the kind of warm hospitality Trinity is still known for. It was spring during the Depression and money was scarce; so scarce that the Northwest Synod of the United Lutheran Church of America discontinued the area field missionary’s office. But that did not deter a group of believers who met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Blain. It was time, they said, to form a Lutheran Church, as the Methodists and Roman Catholics had already planted parishes in the area.
The charter members were go-getters, making door-to-door calls leading to the first worship service, on July 13, 1932, which was officiated by Reverend Carl Tambert. Train whistles could be heard as congregants gathered in the 100-plus-degree heat at the Odd Fellows Hall above Neilson Hardware Store in Long Lake. Despite the heat, and during picking season, 18 people gathered.
Today in Trinity’s history, we are especially thankful for:
- Devoted pastors who work hard to help us know God
- Willing listeners who take time to understand and counsel others
- Dedicated music directors who lead singers and instrumentalists of all ages
- Teachers with passion for our children and youth
- Compassionate volunteers who tend to the needs of our local and global communities
- Dependable assistants who usher, read Scripture lessons, serve communion and offer hospitality in myriad ways
- Conscientious staff, committee and council members who help guide our future
- Grateful givers who share both talents and treasures
"History is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself as less."
C.S. Lewis
Worship + music
Worship is foundational for Trinity and all Christians. Families gather together by God to remember who we are and whose we are. With God as the true host of this event, we experience God’s presence and leading through Word and sacrament, as we then respond with music, prayer and offering ourselves in service to God. Learn More.
"Keep in mind that our community is not composed of these who are already saints, but of these who are trying to become saints. Therefore let us be exteremly patient with each other's faults and failures"
Mother Teresa
Prayer Requests
The Trinity community is a caring community in conversation with the living God. We encourage members and non-members to submit prayer requests. Our community will surround you in prayer. We believe in a God of love, healing and continual presence.
To submit a prayer request, contact Pastor Ann (952.473.8577 x113).
Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
Sign Up for Weekly Connect Emails
Exciting simplified weekly emails that include:
- important schedule information
- event invitations
- ways to grow
- ways to give
- ways to serve
- the week’s highlights in photos